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About Us

From the beginning of the ministry, even to this present time God has spoken clearly that His Word is to be taught. Our history reflects that we faithfully teach and preach the Word of God and have done so every week of this ministry’s existence. The Key of Life Ministries (formally The Eagles’ Vision Christian Center) now resides inside Ursuline College 2550 Lander Rd., Pila Center Pepper Pike, OH 44124.

In March of 1993 the Word f the Lord came, saying “it is time to start the church” to Pastor Jesse and Pastor Barbara. The Lord spoke of a prayer group that needed to be formed. This prayer group was formed in May of that same year. They started praying the first of June 1993. Mrs. Sylvia Hawthorne, Mrs. Joslin Poston (then: Horne), Mrs. Camille Whiteside and Pastor Barbara Erkins met weekly and faithfully for prayer. All four women prayed and did spiritual warfare by revelation, through the leading of the Holy Spirit.

On July 11, 1993, The Eagles’ Nest Christian Center was born. Aside from the Pastor’s family, we had three in attendance on the day of our first service. God moved in a mighty way. We were blessed to have Prophets Ray Garner and Skip Jones from Rhema Christian Center, Columbus, OH; under the Pastorate of Layfayette Scales in attendance! God spoke a Word of comfort and exaltation to let us know that He was on our side. The first person to officially join our ministry was Mr. Hezeheiah Dawson.

The first ordination the church held was in November of 1993. Mr Terry and Mrs. Freddie Meister were ordained as deacons The first baptism we held at Good Shepard Baptist Church on the first Sunday Evening of January, 1994. Our first candidate to go down in the water was Jessica Erkins. Pastor Jesse Erkins did the baptism. The first wedding ceremony performed was the marriage of Ms. Thelica Fowler and Mr. Lester Parrish. This wedding was in August, 1994. The first baby to be dedicated was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Devera Woods. The Eagles’ Nest has followed the Lord’s glory cloud for four years and it has resulted in several worship locations.

We started in the home of the Pastors in July through August 1993 at 20875 South Woodland Rd. in Shaker Heights, Ohio. From September 1994 until April 1995 we were at Amasa Stone for 1 year and then relocated to various hotels; The Marriott, The Holiday Inn and the Radisson, in the Eastern suburbs. May 1995 through April 1996 we were at an office complex in Beachwood, Ohio. From April 1996 we were at the Courtyard. From there we resided at Fairfax Elementary, Monticello Middle School in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Our covering those years was Dr. John Knight of the Southwest vision Center of Strongsville, Ohio from October of 1994 through June 1997. Dr Knight was being transferred to the state of Florida to mnister in a greater  ministry and school. The Pastors sought the Lord regarding a new covering and God spoke that it was to be Pastors Robert and LaVern Joyce of Life Worship Training Center, formerly New Jerusalem Deliverance Church in Pontiac, MI. We continue. to expect great things from God through our spiritual covering. June of  1997, we resided at 18913 Nottingham Rd. in Cleveland, Ohio waiting for our new church building in the Eastern suburb. Key of Life Ministries (formally The Eagles’ Nest Christian Center found a home in the Eastern suburb of Cleveland Heights at Grace Luthern Church, 13001 Cedar Rd. until their doors permanently shut in June of 2015. During this time we hosted several women’s prayer breakfast and luncheons, prophetic conferences and men’s Bible studies. During this time, the church’s name officially became Key of Life Ministries.

Apostle Barbara Erkins Eady, Pastor

Apostle Barbara Erkins is the author of “By Any Other Name It’s Still Sex!”, as well as an E-book entitled “Sexual Lies & Soulish Ties”. She is currently working on her third book.

Apostle Erkins presides over Key of Life Ministries, (formerly The Eagles’ Vision Christian Center). Apostle B was ordained into ministry in 1992 and has been an avid student that has studied and taught the word for over 38 years. She previously attended Southwest Vision College where she worked on her degree in Theology and was trained in the chaplaincy program at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation.

Apostle B, as she is affectionately called, is a dynamic, passionate and often humorous teacher of the Word, as she imparts truth and revelation to the Body of Christ. Apostle B has traveled nationally and internationally, sharing the Word of God with everyone she meets. Well versed in scripture, she has ministered in small, intimate church groups and mega-ministries such as Apostle / Dr. Fred & Betty Price’s Crenshaw Christian Center at the Faith Dome in Los Angeles, California. She has the dubious honor of being the very first female Plenary speaker to minister at his annual F.I.C.W.F.M., (pronounced FIK-WIFF-UM) conference in 2009, with attendees present from around the world! Apostle B is comfortable whether she is speaking to five or five thousand, when it comes to her speaking about her Father in Heaven.

Apostle B’s greatest desire is to see those in the Body of Christ, grow up in Him as they go from glory to glory. Apostle B ministers freedom and hope to all that are called to be eagles, (which is every believer), that they may soar in the high places. She trains and equips the Body of Christ to become activated and flow in the prophetic gifting God has called for the church. She believes strongly that we are people called to change our generation.

Apostle Barbara has one son, Justin and one daughter, Jessica. Apostle B’s children were raised to serve the Lord. Apostle B has seven wonderful grandchildren and has informed all parties concerned that she is done counting!

Mission Statement:

Through prophetic prayer and the power of the Word of God, we will build and strengthen families to stand. 
(The reference scripture for our Mission statement is 1 Timothy 1:18b 
“…according to the prophecies which went before on thee that thou mightiest war a good warfare.”) KJV

Vision Statement:

To equip people to walk out the Word of God.
* To teach and train the integration of God into every facet of their life.
* To train people to know that Christ in them will cause an affect and cure in the world around them.
* To train people to walk in power and authority, so others will “know their God.”
* In all things, show forth love, as disciples of Christ.

Vision Strategies
- To teach and train through Sunday School, Bible Study, Conferences and Seminars.
- Personal prophetic ministry for a sense of direction in one’s life.
- Encounters, by which we will minister inner-healing to the soul.
- Teach principles via the Life Application of the Word of God.
- A focus of intercessory prayer that will impact both the inside and the outside of The Body of Christ.

Let’s Pray!

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